Saturday 8 December 2007

Wi-fi Hotspots in Hajduszoboszlo (Hungary) - All Inclusive Spa Resort Hotels

The following hotels offer hotpsot wireless internet access in Hajduszoboszlo

Cívis Hotel Délibáb
Provider: Wiera
Hotel Silver
Provider: T-Com
Silver Konferenciaközpont
Provider: T-Com
Hunguest Hotel Aqua-Sol
Provider: T-Mobile
SSID: T-Mobile
Hunguest Hotel Béke
Provider: T-Mobile
SSID: T-Mobile
Hunguest Hotel Hőforrás
Provider: T-Mobile
SSID: T-Mobile
Karádi Hotel
Provider: T-Com
Kemencés Csárda és Panzió
Provider: T-Com
Nelson Étterem
Provider: T-Com
Thermal Hotel Victoria
Provider: T-Com

Outstanding Thermal Water Spa Hotels in Hungary

Hungarospa Thermal Hotel ***
New hotel with air-conditioned rooms, restaurant and therapeutics section, next to the bathing complex.

"Wonderful treatment you will have in any of the listed hotels and guesthouses. A full day in a thermal water facility is unforgetablr experience, you will feel refreshed, clean (both on the inside and out!) and recharged. "

Hotel Silver ****
Hotel with 170 air-conditioned rooms, pool with water attraction equipments, wellness- and conference servicies, parking place.

"Spending a day like this is invaluable, in that you are more motivated to continue with better daily life practices after the event. "

Baratsag Thermal & Wellness Hotel ***+
Hotel close to the thermal bath, with wellness and therapy services, indoor and outdoor pools, restaurant, bowling and billiard .

"Pampered and revived. The excellent service, sensational resort and the expert advice and professionalism is outstanding. "

Map, Weather, Airports for Hajduszoboszlo (Hungary) - Spa Resort Info

Advanced diagrams and detailed geographical information about Hajduszoboszlo here.

Find airport, accommodation, spa resort info, airport transfer from and to Budapest. Guides and recommendations, reviews and travellers opinion.

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Hungary The Thermal Bath World-Leader

Hungary has over 100 locations with thermal springs nationwide. More than 400 thermal facilities are waiting for those who would like to benefit medicinal water treatments or just to spend some relaxing in the curing water.

A survey taken in 2001 by the National Statistical Office showed that some of the above mentioned spa resorts are rapidly become very attractive for foreign holiday seekers.
In the year 2001 nearly 230.000 foreign tourists stayed at Hungarian thermal resorts. The biggest 46 thermal spa hotels of Hungary are usually fully booked in advance. Sales figures show that the annual tourism increasing 25-30% yearly.

The Hungarian government started investing capital to thermal spas under the Szechenyi Project. In 2001 - 22 billion HUF (61 million GBP), in 2002 - 8 billion HUF (22 million GBP), and then in 2003 - another 5 billion HUF (14 million GBP).

These improvements have taken Hungary's spa culture to a significantly higher level. Today's health tourism is competitive and further developments will be expected in the near future.

The goverment has launched many advertisement champaigns to emphasize the importance of the spa resorts positive image. Specifically among foreign countries so most of these adverts are available in several languages.

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Unique of its own thermal water

It is Pávai Vajna Ferenc, a distinguished geologist, the 'father' of the Hungarian thermal water, who is to be thanked for finding this wonder of nature that has been sewing mankind for more than seventy years now.

Dr. János Bodnár, director of the Institute of Medical Chemistry studies at the Medical University of Debrecen wrote about the thermal water found in Hajdúszoboszló like this "... According to our analysis this water, containing iodine, bromine and salt is unique of its kind. Considering the findings of the chemical analysis and the very high temperature of the water we can state ... this water is unique and on the basis of the analyses available - there is no water that is similar to it. "

According to balneologist Dr. Zoltán Dalmady "... concerning physical chemistry the Hajdúszoboszló thermal water has a very interesting feature. In its concentration and composition it is quite similar to the composition of human tissue fluids. It is especially remarkable compared to seaside spas, since the Hajdúszoboszló thermal water is nothing but the conjured up spirit of the Triassic age seas. Considering its salt content it can be regarded as diluted sea water, but it still differs from sea water because it has a low magnesium and calcium content and at the same time has a significant amount of hydrocarbonate in it. Nevertheless it is still very good for medical cures and for recreational purposes, just like any other seaside spa with a similar concentration."

What happened in 1925?

The little town Hajduszoboszlo - located 200km far from the capital Budapest and just 20km far from the the area center Debrecen - was a muddy, dusty place after World War I. A few years later came the turning point when Dr. Ferenc Vajna Pavai launched a research project to find hydrocarbonates in the summer of 1924. He settled the place of the first drilling in Banonkert where all the spas and resort hotels take place in the present day.

While searching for hydrocarbones, a 73 C thermal spring, with a healing power that was proved shortly afterwards, was found 1091 metres below the surface.
The drilling process had taken about 1 year. Chemical analysis showed that the water is medicinal.
This brownish, velvet-like, hot treasure of the Earth's depths had flood nearby surface dents and ditches and local people soon began to bathe and wash their clothes in it. And the amazement did not stop. They soon realised that the water simply performed miracles.Wounds eased faster and rheumatic ills eased.

The forefather of today's spa center opened its doors 26th July 1927. This facility rapidly developed into a modern thermal spa and soonly became the Mekka of the thermal water lovers.

Monday 8 October 2007

Spa History of Hungary

Spa water makes us feel relaxed. This is what is called wellness, but only the word is new.

The experience reaches back thousands of years. For example, 2000 years ago Roman soldiers stationed in Hungary well knew what a welcome feeling it is to console tired bodies in baths. They practised it with joy as did, of course, not only soldiers but all sections of Roman society including both the poor and the wealthy. (According to estimates, 300 litres of water per head could be used in the heyday of ancient Rome! No wonder the Romans constructed water pipes which are remarkable even today.)

The capital of Pannonia, Aquincum (in today’s Budapest), was definitely one of the pearls of the Roman Empire, at least from the point of view of spas. Many hundreds of years later the Turks arrived in the territory of Hungary and although during their 150 years of domination antipathy natural towards conquerors surrounded them, it must be acknowledged that they contributed a great deal to the country’s bathing culture. They built impressive spas, which can still be seen and even experienced in the Hungarian capital.

When the Turks were driven out the baths began to deteriorate. For a long time Christianity denied the curing properties of spas, but the main problem concerned rather the moral dangers of common bathing. (Saint Jerome, for example, allowed bathing only for children.) With some reason baths were considered a hotbed of lust, which had to be confined. However, this could only be maintained for a while since common sense and people’s healthy attitude to life won through such that today bathing culture is a form of well-deserved luxury. In the 17th century a certain Mr Brown, a British physician, wrote: “The naturally hot spas in Buda are considered the most significant in the world.” It is not easy to list precisely how many types of waters can cure us.

Thermal waters explained

The formation of spa waters is relatively simple. Water coming from the depths towards the surface permeates rocks of various composition and extracts the minerals. This becomes medicinal water. Our body absorbs the dissolved components through the skin and when bathing we also inhale these substances in steam. In addition to the chemical features of the water we also make use of its physical characteristics, since its temperature and current both relax and cure our tired limbs. In order to perk up we should look for a so-called cool bath of 15-20ºC. Our nervous system is calmed by 21- 31ºC water, while hotter than that will expand the blood vessels and accelerate the function of the heart. Hence we are advised to spend only a short time in such water and even then we must avoid doing it on a full stomach or when we are exhausted, since it can easily cause sickness. (Children are advised against going into these hot waters.)

We are inclined to connect spa waters with ailments, yet a healthy person can also enjoy their benefit. On the one hand they help prevent diseases and on the other they improve our well-being, relax and calm us. It is a great feeling when, after an exhausting day, we can stretch out in the bath tub. No need to go into detail how much a pool full of spa water can make us feel relaxed.

It is not easy to list precisely how many types of waters can cure us. Medicinal waters can be hydrocarbonic, they can contain alkalis, cobalt and sodium-chloride, as well as sulphur and iron. They can even be radioactive. They all cure different ailments. Apart from the waters being used for bathing some can be inhaled or taken as a drinking cure. (When tasting it is sometimes difficult to imagine that they can really help, but they are said not to be too horrid if we take small sips while walking.) To complete the picture: thermal waters can not only work wonders themselves but their mud can treat and cure various illnesses.

Hajduszoboszlo - The Spa Capital of Europe

Let me introduce Hajduszoboszlo, the greatest thermal water resort in Hungary. The city of Hajduszoboszlo is modern, meets every sophisticated needs. Most of the properties built in the past few years, making the area look stunning.
The city is planned to be developed into Europe's Thermal Spa Capital in the following 5 years, investing government and EU provided capital.

As the old saying has it: drill a well anywhere in Hungary and sooner or later you find thermal water. That this is not only legend is proved by geologists, since maps show that thermal waters warmer than 30ºC can be found underneath 80 per cent of the country. Hungary ranks an extremely honourable second place in the World after Iceland.

Relaxing cure of thermal waters. This is the feeling we are all looking for when weighing up the offers of wellness hotels with a view to toning up, relaxing and chilling out, so that at last we can calm our entangled nerves.